Therapy for Self-Confidence

Online and in-person self-confidence and self-esteem counseling for adults in Tigard, OR

It is very common to question your worth, your value, or your importance.  Feeling loved and accepted is a significant and valid human need.  And if you, like most of us, have had a past experience or relationship that left us feeling unwanted or less than then you may find yourself lacking self-confidence.  So to make up for negative beliefs about yourself, you try-really hard.  You try to work harder or be a better mom. You try to do everything “right” but you’re never sure about it so you seek out reassurance from others.  You find yourself bragging about your accomplishments or needing to have the best outfit, the highest pay or the most on-trend clothes.  If you feel like you’re not good enough or that something is wrong with you; like you have to be perfect or have it all together, it’s likely effecting significant aspects of your life. 

Believing these things about yourself can contribute to depression and anxiety.  These beliefs can also influence who you choose to date, how you interact with your coworkers or friends and even the career path you’re on.  If you don’t know your value, you don’t know when someone is treating you in a way that’s less than you’re worth.  AND just so you don’t have any question about it, I believe you are worthwhile, you are loveable and that there is a plan for your life.  But if you don’t, others may choose to treat you poorly and you will let them get away with it because deep down, the way they treat you feels valid.  It’s comfortable-it lines up with what you already believe to be true.  So, please hear me when I say to you that you don’t have to live according to those experiences or beliefs any longer. Instead of challenging the lies with traditional talk therapy, I use a proven and effective method known as EMDR to address them. Much like the healing that takes place in REM sleep, EMDR heals using eye movements to reprocess the experiences that led to the lies in the first place so that they sit in the brain differently. And they no longer feel true!  Once the foundation of these lies has been addressed and unraveled, it’s hard to keep believing the negative beliefs you have, I mean…had about yourself.   

Imagine how different you would feel if you already knew and intrinsically felt your worth and value. How would you walk different? Talk different? What would you try in life that you’re missing out on? How would your mood shift and your attitude change? Uprooting the lies that contribute to poor self-esteem automatically helps you see your value and lifts your self-confidence. It improves your confidence at work. It You are important. You are significant. There’s a purpose and a plan for your life. You are needed and wanted and loveable. Don’t just know that logically-but feel it.

Live your life more fully. Try EMDR therapy with me and see for yourself how it can shift your perspective.

Validated methods.

Compassionate care.